Advance search results pagination not working on Elasticsearch

Issue: All search results products shown in stead of 12/24/36 and pagination not useful working. Solution for 2.3.5, edit: vendor/magento/module-catalog-search/Model/ResourceModel/Advanced/Collection.php change function to public function _loadEntities($printQuery = false, $logQuery = false) { $this->getEntity(); $currentSearchEngine = $this->_scopeConfig->getValue(self::SEARCH_ENGINE_VALUE_PATH); //var_dump($currentSearchEngine); if ($this->_pageSize && ($currentSearchEngine === EngineResolver::CATALOG_SEARCH_MYSQL_ENGINE || $currentSearchEngine == ‘elastic’)) { $this->getSelect()->limitPage($this->getCurPage(), $this->_pageSize); } $this->printLogQuery($printQuery, $logQuery); Obviously, override […]

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Magento 2: Indexer stuck at processing

LATEST UPDATE (13/02/2021): Resolved? Fingers crossed! This issue seems to have resolved itself after a few actions I did: Update to Magento v2.3.6 and extensions to latest versions (Mirasvit Elasticsearch Ultimate 1.0.151) Updated to Elasticsearch V7 Reset the Elasticsearch indexes in the backend @Mirasvit settings and changed the Elasticsearch Index Prefix, to be sure that I […]

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Magento 2 upgrade errors when using Redis cache

Maybe they have fixed it in the meantime, but upgrading the core Magento 2 failed with a lot of errors, when making use of Redis cache. Which, I must say, is a performance booster. So, to prevent that, before upgrading the Magento 2 core, type in: redis-cli FLUSHALL on the command line before upgrading and […]

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